Learn JavaScript – Project based Tutorials Point

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Krisht Tech.
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JavaScript is a programming language conforming to the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript is a high-level programming language that can be compiled quickly and has multiple parameters. It features dynamic typing, curly-bracket syntax and first-class functions.

JavaScript, along with HTML and CSS is one of the most important technologies on the World Wide Web. JavaScript is essential for web applications and allows interactive web pages. It is used by the vast majority of websites for client-side behavior. All major web browsers include a JavaScript engine that executes it.

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language that supports imperative, functional, event-driven programming styles. JavaScript supports application programming interfaces (APIs), which allow you to work with text, dates and standard data structures.

The language does not contain any input/output (I/O) such as storage, networking, or graphics, but the host environment (usually a browser) provides these APIs.

JavaScript engines were initially used in web browsers. However, they are embedded in many servers now via Node js. They can also be embedded in many applications that are built with frameworks like Cordova and Electron.

Although JavaScript and Java have some similarities, such as language name, syntax and respective standard library, the languages are very different and have their own design.

JavaScript Tutorials Point Application – Learn JavaScript Project Based Tutorials

– Learn Javascript Tutorials.
Javascript for Begineers Front – End Developer.
JavaScript Data Types
JavaScript Classes
JavaScript Objects.
JavaScript Network Request
JavaScript Functions.
JavaScript HTML DOM.
JavaScript Browser BOM.
JavaScript AJAX.
– Learn JavaScript JSON.
JavaScript vs Jquery.
JavaScript Interview Questions.

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