Palmistry eBook
Sana Edutech has created an innovative app that helps you decode your palm and other symbols. For better understanding, detailed pictures are provided with images wherever possible.
The app covers many subjects related to Palmistry, so it can be used by anyone, from a novice user to an expert.
– Palmistry Basics
Types of Hands
Types of Mounds: Saturn, Jupiter, Moon Mars Venus
Time factor
– Different Lines (Heart, Life, Head, Fate, Health lines)
– Reference charts and Mantras
App features
We guarantee you will love our simple, fast and efficient user-interface!
– Easy access to categorized contents
Sana Edutech eBook Format provides the ability to search at a dominant pace
Zoom function for images and text
– Voice reader that interprets the study materials
– The entire app is available for free.
– Share feature