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Carl Reinke
105.48 KB

Spectroid provides a real-time audio spectrum analysis tool with reasonable frequency resolution throughout the entire frequency spectrum.


Q: What is the reason for negative dB values?
A: Spectroid uses dBFS, which is a Full Scale. 0 dB represents the maximum power the microphone can measure. Therefore decibel values are negative as the measured power is lower than the maximum power.

Q: Can you zoom in on the spectrum chart?
A: Yes, do a two-finger pinch-to-zoom gesture.

Q: What are the discontinuities/gaps between the spectrum plot and waterfalls?
A: Spectroid uses several FFTs that are overlapped in frequency to provide higher frequency resolution at lower frequencies than a single one. This method has a few drawbacks. It can produce a spectrum that is more similar to human audio perception’s frequency resolution. However, it’s not as good as your ears!

Q: Can I export spectrum data?
A: Spectroid does not make your device a calibrated instrument. You should use a spectrum analyzer on your device if you have a need for the spectrum data.

Fix missing spectrum plot on Android P.

How to install Spectroid app?

Step 1:

Click on the official app store link above.

Step 2:

Tap "Install" to download Spectroid from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.