In just a few steps, you can book a flight
You can check in, change, or cancel your flight. Plus, add extras like EarlyBird Check-In(r).
Book & Shop Super-Fast
You can book a trip with just a few clicks. You can make it even easier by using your PayPal(r), or stored credit cards.
Everything you need for Travel
The home screen provides all the information you require, including gate information, boarding location, flight status, and other details.
Boarding Pass on The Go
You can get mobile boarding passes 24 hours ahead of your flight for all passengers. The Southwest Passes are richly colored and have bold fonts, making it easy to see your Gate and Boarding Position. You can quickly find the information you need: Flight Number, Confirmation number, Boarding Time and Tier Status. Add your Mobile Boarding Passes for Google Pay!
Travel funds
When you change your flight via the app, you can use Southwest LUV vouchers and Flight Credits. When you tap “View Funds” within “My Account”, your unused Southwest(r) flight credits will be displayed automatically.
Inflight Entertainment*
The app will take you to our Inflight Entertainment Portal, where you can view live TV for free.
Listen to free music on iHeartRadio
Access on-demand TV episodes and free movies. *Only available on WiFi-enabled aircraft Offer valid for a limited time Only if you are interested.
Because of licensing restrictions, WiFi-enabled international flights may not have Free Live TV or iHeartRadio available for the entire duration of the flight.
Chat live
You can reach our customer representatives via live chat by scrolling down to Contact Us, then tapping on “Chat”.
Airport Pick-up and Drop-off
Lyft(r) has partnered with us to allow you to use the app to request a Lyft(r). Before you book, you’ll have key information such as estimated arrival time and price. Are you a more experienced renter of a car? This can also be done in the app.
Holidays, Cars and Hotels
Our app allows you to book your entire travel itinerary quickly.
You can earn rewards when you travel
Register for Rapid Rewards(r), and you will earn points on all your flights. You may have forgotten to include your Rapid Rewards number when you booked your flight. You can still earn points by adding it to your booking after you have booked your flight. These points can be used to buy more flights.
Southwest Airlines
Introducing Wanna Get Away Plus™, our ultra-flexible new fare. Plus up your ticket with a flight credit you can transfer if you need to cancel, same-day change and same-day standby, and 8X Rapid Rewards® points! See® for details on these benefits.
Verified Safe and Secure
How to install Southwest Airlines?
Step 1:
Click on the official app store link above.
Step 2:
Tap "Install" to download Southwest Airlines from within Google Play Store or Apple App Store.