Notifications for Android TV

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Christian Fees
2.53 MB

Send notifications directly from your smartphone to your TV using Android TV.
Include the application logo and images in the notification.
In fullscreen mode, scroll through all notified messages on Android TV. Each application can be customized individually.

These apps are the best, but you can use them all.
Messenger apps: WhatsApp and SMS, Hangouts. Allo, Gmail.
– News apps: Spiegel Online Eilmeldung, SWR3 Eilmeldung

It also displays incoming and outgoing calls.

Important: Install the notification app “Notifications for Android Television” on your Android TV.

* Instant forwarding your notifications to your Android TV
* View notification details, including the application logo and images, on the TV screen
* App-specific settings, including privacy mode

Devices supported: Nexus Player and Nvidia Shield.

- Font size can be adjusted
- Phone call settings added
- Notification sound can be enabled in TV app settings
- Send images from other applications or screenshots (using share option of your phone) directly to your receiver
- Performance and memory optimizations
- Notifications with images will be displayed in the popup
- Optimized server UI, navigate between notifications with left and right key
- Quick search for applications

How to install Notifications for Android TV?

Step 1:

Click on the official app store link above.

Step 2:

Tap "Install" to download Notifications for Android TV from within Google Play Store or Apple App Store.