Miles is a universal rewards program that allows anyone to automatically earn miles for any mode of transportation. Miles is more than just airline miles, credit card rewards points or regular reward programs. No matter how you travel from A to B, we reward you with miles. We’ll give you miles for every mile you travel, no matter if you walk, cycle, ride a bike, or drive. You will receive even more miles if you choose to travel in greener ways. You will be rewarded even more if you carpool or use a rideshare (e.g. Uber, Lyft, etc. You earn 2x miles if you ride Lyft or Uber. Users who use public transportation or the train get 3x as many miles. You can ride a bicycle and get 5x miles, or you can walk or run to earn 10x miles.
You can redeem your miles for special rewards, gift cards and top deals from incredible brands like HP, Garmin and Pandora.
Your miles can also be used to enter product and gift card raffles with exciting brands, or to donate to charities that feed the hungry, support cancer foundations, etc.
We have created a frequent flyer program that covers all transport, including your daily commute. Miles offers value and savings for every mile travelled, regardless of mode of travel, wherever in the world. The Miles app instantly awards travel, regardless of whether the user is driving, riding with a passenger, or taking a rideshare, by plane, train or subway, boat, bike, or on foot. You can automatically track your mileage without having to log any trips.
Miles will continue to reward you for your daily journey by giving you different activity challenges such as running, walking, or biking in order to earn gift certificates.
You can make every mile count and be rewarded for using more sustainable modes. Get Miles to save money and get rewarded!
Here’s how it works.
Sign up:
Register and download the app. Turn on Location Services to get the best results and set it to Always.
Earn miles instantly:
You don’t need to do anything once you have registered. Now you will start earning miles for each trip you take (from point A through B). The app is not required for you to log your trips or open it before, during, or after your trip. Miles are earned automatically and for free.
There are many ways to earn bonus miles
You have many options to earn bonus miles with the app
Carpooling: 2x miles
Transits: Train, bus, ferry, boat/ferry – 3x miles
Tier upgrades
Holidays and Anniversaries
Special promo codes
You can redeem your miles for prizes, gift cards, or raffle tickets:
You can track all your miles using the Miles app and redeem them for exclusive rewards. The rewards can be used immediately or at a later time. There are rewards that you can use online or in person from merchants. These codes include coupon codes, codes, QR codes or barcodes.
* Retail
* Shopping
* Restaurant
* Groceries
* Household
* Beauty and Health
* Electronics
* Travel
* For children
* Auto
* Other
Find out more
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* Terms of Service:
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Thank you for being Miles user! Need assistance? Reach us at [email protected].