KakaoMap will show the fastest routes through Korea.
KakaoMap is a map app that allows you to find all the information you need.
Find directions to popular restaurants and attractions in your area.
The fastest route is the best.
The fastest and most precise map
The latest information for cars, public transport, walking, and bicycling will be available within 24 hours.
Navigation system included
You don’t need to download a separate navigation app. KakaoMap will provide navigation directions as soon as you search for a route.
One search window allows for comprehensive search
All the information you need can be found in one search window.
Local information is important
Recommendation specifically for you
KakaoMap provides useful information based upon your current location, including keywords, spots and events.
You can search for specific areas on the map
Search results can be viewed immediately by clicking the “Research this Area” button on the map.
Data suggests places
KakaoMap analyses big data and gives information about a particular place by gender, age and day of week.
Do you need more detailed maps?
Favorites organized in folders
Favorites can be managed by folders and marked on the map. You can also follow and share folders.
Road View
You can search for a route and see the location you want to visit ahead of time using the RoaView feature.
3D Realistic Map
Our vector-based maps are more realistic and can be tilted or rorated 360 degrees. It looks real!
Real 3D Sky View
3D Sky View is a great way to search for a 3-Dimentional map.
Other useful features
The map shows the top rated places
Bus information in real-time to reduce wait times
Get real-time traffic information to help find the fastest routes
A convenient and accurate subway map
KakaoMap is open to your suggestions.
Questions and Feedback
– [email protected]
“- Kakao Customer Service Homepage
Contact Customer Service at 1577-3321
– Developer: 1577-3754
Permissions for Service Access
[Optional Permissions]
Search for the location: To find the current and nearest locations
– Mic: For voice search
– Storage: To store navigation and photos
– Phone: To navigate
– Camera: To Take Photos
– Appear on the top: To display car navigation widget at top
* The service can still be used even if permissions are not granted.
* Android below 6.0 can’t be individually managed app permissions.
If your device has an OS that can be upgraded, please check with the manufacturer.
If an upgrade is possible, we recommend you update your device to version 6.0 or higher.
Developer Contact Info: