HiPER Scientific Calculator

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HiPER Labs
8.69 MB

HiPER Scientific Calculator has more than 25,000,000 downloads and 100 000 5-star ratings.

The calculator can handle up to 100 digits in significand and up to 9 digits in exponent. The calculator can detect repeating decimals, and numbers can also be entered as fractions or converted into fractions.

It is possible to write expressions naturally and then watch your calculations. The result can be displayed as a number or simplified expression, depending on whether you are using the calculator.

There are many layouts that will work for different screen sizes.
Small devices – Pocket
– Smartphone “compact” (in portrait or landscape orientation)
– Tablets can be “expanded”.

Tablets can have a multiline display that shows the history of calculations and allows you to access previous results.

You can select from a variety of high-quality themes.

There are many functions that the calculator can perform, including:
Basic arithmetic operations, including percentage, modo and negation
– Fractions (in expression mode, any expression that includes nested fractions may be entered as a numerator or denominator).
Mixed numbers
– Conversion of periodic numbers to fractions
You can have as many braces as you like.
Priority for the operator
– Repeated operations
– Equations
– Variables and symbolic computation
– integrals and derivatives
Graphs of functions and integral areas, 3D graphs
Calculation details – More information about a calculation such as complex roots and unit circles. ;
Complex numbers
Conversion between polar and rectangular coordinates
Summaries and products of sequences
Advanced number operations, such as combinations, random numbers, permutations and common greatest divisors, are all possible. ;
– Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions
– powers, roots, logarithms, etc. ;
Conversion of degrees, minutes, and seconds
Fixed point, scientific and engineering display formats
Display exponent as SI units prefix
– Memory operations with 10 extended memory;
Clipboard operations using different clipboard formats
History of the results
– Binary, octal, and hexadecimal numeral system;
– Logical operations
– Bitwise rotations and shifts
– haptic feedback
– More than 90 physical constants
Conversion between 250 units
– Reverse Polish notation

There are many options for the calculator to control full screen mode, decimal, thousand separators, and so on.

All features are described using built-in help.

- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian

How to install HiPER Scientific Calculator app?

Step 1:

Click on the official app store link above.

Step 2:

Tap "Install" to download HiPER Scientific Calculator from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.