Charlie is the Artificial Intelligence behind “CharliesNames”, and I am Charlie. With my help, you’ll
Find the perfect name for your baby, together with your partner.
Already, I have helped a million parents choose a name to call their baby. So come join us! The baby name app connects you and your partner so that you can instantly see which names you like.
This is the version that is free
* Select from
14,000 first names
Filter according to gender
: Male, female, unisex
Origin and meaning
Nearly all of the names *
Invite your partner
To join the name search, you can include older children, family members, and friends. * Match your favourite names with your partner’s, and instantly
Compare names
* Please enter your
Find a first name that matches your criteria * Add a
Second name
To see if it matches your first name, simply use the following:
add missing names
Artificial intelligence improves name search
* The price includes the
Top names
USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.
This is the extra content that our supporters get in the pro version.
* Filter names according the to
First and last letters
Include first and last letters
* Search with
Your preferred length for your name
There are no ads
Names that begin with “L” and end in “a” are most appealing to you. You like names that have fewer than five letters, and your partner also likes them. Are you just looking for inspiration? CharliesNames has the answer!
Get CharliesNames today and have some fun while you search for the perfect name to fit your baby’s personality!
Do you have any questions, concerns or feedback? Send us an email to [email protected]
Baby Names / First Names 2022
- lots of new names
- better usability
- improved design
- optimized name search and AI
Verified Safe and Secure
How to install Baby Names / First Names 2022?
Step 1:
Click on the official app store link above.
Step 2:
Tap "Install" to download Baby Names / First Names 2022 from within Google Play Store or Apple App Store.