Apk Analyzer

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Martin Styk

Apk Analyzer can be used to analyze your application.

Most downloaded apk app analysis app

Google Play. It gives you a detailed report on installed apps as well as information about not installed.apk files. ? It’s

open source

Completely and

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App report contains:

* App naming and version information * Target and minimal Android version * Update and install dates * Certificate and app data * Permissions with description * Activities with launch options * Services, Broadcast Receivers and Content Providers* Required and optional hardware features * Full AndroidManifest.xml version with save option * More? Installed

Apps can be saved to your device storage and shared

. You can also save the app icon! App reads the main metadata file AndroidManifest, decodes it and saves it to an external storage as an xml. Apk Analyzer provides an overview of the app before you install from APK file.


* Check all permissions that apps ask for on your device. * See which apps request permission the most often. * Learn about the protection level


* Are you interested in statistics about your app collection? * Get statistics data about your app collection. * Learn the distribution of Android version among apps or app signing used. * Discover the average number and distribution of Android and certificate version activities. Application doesn’t require rooted device. Open source software licensed under GNU General Public License (v3)

How to install Apk Analyzer app?

Step 1:

Click on the official app store link above.

Step 2:

Tap "Install" to download Apk Analyzer from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.