Al-Anon Family Groups

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Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters Inc
161.91 MB

Al-Anon Family Groups are a mutual support program that helps people whose lives were affected by the drinking of others. Families and friends can make positive changes in their lives by sharing experiences and applying Al-Anon principles.

Al-Anon is based upon the Twelve Steps (adapted by Alcoholics Anonymous), which we apply, one at a time. We are ready to receive the priceless gift, serenity, through the loving exchange of help and daily reading of Al-Anon literature.

Al-Anon Family Groups’ official mobile app is intended to make it easy for anyone who has been affected by another person’s drinking to get hope and help.

Al-Anon meetings powered with Zoom and Health Insurance Portability and Account Act (HIPAA). This additional security is indicated by the green shield in the app. Additional security is provided by HIPAA compliance:
— Disallows cloud recordings
Forces out of chat encryption
— Encryption for third party endpoints
Disable streaming to any service that supports only RTMP
— Prevents saving or copying meeting chats
Chat privately with Al-Anon friends by connecting with them
– An integrated private journal that you can use to track your recovery
– A news feed that allows you to share your thoughts with Al-Anon friends. You can also see the thoughts of your friends.
Subscribe to receive a daily dose from Al-Anon members’ strength, experience, and hope.
Contribute easily to the World Service Office for assistance in using the mobile app to be self-supporting.

Bug fixes

How to install Al-Anon Family Groups?

Step 1:

Click on the official app store link above.

Step 2:

Tap "Install" to download Al-Anon Family Groups from within Google Play Store or Apple App Store.