AdClear Content Blocker

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SEVEN Networks
15.16 MB

AdClear Content Blocker will stop ads from any browser or application! Surf the internet, play games or update social media. DNS Changer has you covered.

Android users: This is the answer to your ad blocking problems.

Learn more about AdClear by visiting

AdClear Content Blocker is a bonus that will reduce battery usage, bandwidth and loading times for users and protect them from malware-infected ads.

Most Frequently Asked Questions
* Does AdClear prevent ads from all my apps?
This version of AdClear blocks advertisements on websites that you visit in Samsung Internet or Yandex Browser. You can also block ads from other browsers or apps by using DNS Changer in AdClear content Blocker.

* Updated feedback UI

How to install AdClear Content Blocker app?

Step 1:

Click on the official app store link above.

Step 2:

Tap "Install" to download AdClear Content Blocker from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.