AdBlock for Samsung Internet

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Stop looking at ads on the internet. AdBlock, the completely free content blocking tool for the Samsung Internet browser has more than 50 million users on all platforms.

AdBlock. Accept no substitutes.

You can save battery life by only loading content that you are interested in
* Reduce your monthly data usage
* Get faster web page performance
* Privacy protection built-in with anti-tracking
* Use custom language settings to block ads specific to a particular region
* We offer free, prompt support

Most Frequently Asked Questions

* Can AdBlock block all ads from all my apps?
AdBlock blocks only ads from websites that you visit using the Samsung Internet browser.

* Can AdBlock be used with other Android browsers?
No, not yet. You can still get AdBlock Chrome, Safari, and Opera for your desktop. Visit!

How to install AdBlock for Samsung Internet?

Step 1:

Click on the official app store link above.

Step 2:

Tap "Install" to download AdBlock for Samsung Internet from within Google Play Store or Apple App Store.