WhatsApp recently launched WhatsApp Channels. A feature already known from Telegram has drawn the displeasure of many users because many are now wondering how the WhatsApp channels can be removed.
Remove or unfollow WhatsApp channels – What is possible?
Where recently you could see the status messages of your chat contacts, now there is a colorful hodgepodge of WhatsApp channels. You can search for channels and then subscribe to them to receive the latest messages via broadcast daily. It is impossible to reply yourself since the channels are more like newsletters. However, responses are possible.
Some of the WhatsApp channels that have been available so far have very high numbers of followers and, thus quite a few fans 😉 However, many are currently wondering whether it is possible to remove the WhatsApp channels.
Unfollow WhatsApp channels
Unfollowing already subscribed WhatsApp channels is possible. To do this, open the subscribed channel and click on the three dots at the top. There you will find the option “Unsubscribe”. Confirm this once again, and you will no longer be a follower.
Delete your own WhatsApp channels
Deleting your own channels works as follows:
Open the News tab on your phone or the channel page in WhatsApp Web. Please search for your channel and tap or click on it to open it.
First, tap or click on the channel name and then on Delete channel and note that “it will not be possible to restore the channel” and “that previous activity will remain on followers’ devices” > Delete.
Enter your phone number to confirm, and tap or click Delete.
After deleting, the message “You have deleted your channel.” will be displayed in the Current tab.
Downgrading WhatsApp is only a temporary solution at the moment because all new versions have the channels on board and it doesn’t look like you can hide or disable them yet. So, unfortunately, you can’t remove WhatsApp channels.
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