Artificial intelligence works similarly to our brains. It processes information. This article explains why Google, Siri, and driver assistance systems are artificially intelligent and how the programs work.
The aim of the development of artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is to program machines so that they can work independently and solve tasks on their own. This should not only make everyday life easier for humans but also for them to deal with modern technology.
In principle, AIs work like our brains. So-called “artificial neural networks” are used to take in information, process it and solve a problem.
An AI-first takes “input” from outside; for example, you speak into your smartphone when searching Google. The voice assistant processes your question and arrives at a result, the “output.” You receive this as an answer and a list of relevant websites.
In our example, two intelligences work together. On the one hand, the voice assistance and on the other hand, a search engine.
Information processing systems consist of algorithms. These are a collection of rules in computer language that ultimately solve a problem.
Another example: autonomous driving

Artificial intelligence is in vacuum cleaners and robotic mowers, assist in surgeries, and shows us individual advertising placements. All car drivers might also be familiar with “autonomous driving.”
Autonomous driving is also one of the artificial intelligence. Essentially, “autonomous” means that vehicles operate independently and in an automated manner.
Vehicles of this type are divided into autonomy levels. The car’s degree of autonomy increases depending on the level, with level 5 being the highest of all levels.
Level 5 vehicles have no pedals or steering wheels. They do not require human assistance. Level 3 and 4 robots can prompt the driver to take control. These vehicles can accelerate, brake and even steer themselves for specific periods.
Autonomy level 0 to 2 cars are controlled by humans and only assist when driving. An example of this would be cruise control or lane departure warning.
For autonomous cars to be able to drive independently, all kinds of intelligent technology are needed. The GPS, video cameras, radar, and lidar sensors must work as a team to handle difficult situations while working reliably and accurately.
The GPS ensures that the vehicle knows its exact location at all times. The cameras provide the system with images of the surroundings. They include traffic signs and other road users.
The radar sensors include the beeping sounds of the parking aids. They measure the distance between the vehicle and other objects.
Lidar sensors are located on the roof and use laser beams to measure the distance of an obstacle in front of the vehicle. They can measure ranges of up to 200 meters daily and at night. Their laser beams are not visible to the human eye.
Artificial intelligence is assigned to the field of computer science. However, many other areas also play a role in the development of artificial intelligence, such as biology, neuroscience and engineering technology. If you would like to work in the field of artificial intelligence yourself, you can get closer to your goal by studying computer science.
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