Appnado readers may have already heard about the recent decision of India’s Supreme Court which ended Google’s Android monopoly. Many of you may be curious about how this could affect Android in India.
Here’s why…
BharOS is an Android Open Source Project operating platform that doesn’t promote any Google apps. This is a huge deal considering that India’s Supreme Court has essentially ruled that Google’s push of its apps within its OS creates an antitrust environment or a monopoly.
JandK Operations Private Limited (or JandKop) developed the new operating system to exploit the openings created by India’s High Court.
BharOS’ interface is very sleek and closely resembles Android.
One thing is clear between BharOS & Android: BharOS does not come pre-installed on Google services. This means that users can choose what apps they wish to run on their phone. This is what India’s high courts wants.
Without being pushed, users will choose the apps that they want on their phones. This is a slight hit for Google, but there are still many top Android apps people will want to install. Let’s face it, Google’s Android apps are pretty impressive. BharOS is still a threat to India’s marketshare by not forcing services and apps geared towards Google.
We don’t know how someone could replace their Android environment with BharOS. But we are confident that smarter people will figure it out. BharOS also uses Duck Duck Go and Signal as their default apps. We call this “shots fired”, at least in relation to Google.
Is it possible to download BharOS?
At this time, there are no instructions on how to download the mobile OS. We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.
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